Why You Should Microchip Your Pet
Thanks to advances in technology, it is now possible to reconnect lost pets and their owners via a microchip implanted just under your pets' skin. Should your family pet go missing, when found he or she can be scanned for a microchip. A scanner similar to those seen in grocery stores that works on RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) is used to obtain the chip number and manufacturer. The microchip company can trace the chip to the source to which it was sold. Alternatively, an owner can register the chip directly to themselves for a small fee. The chip is then registered in a national data base and can immediately identify the animal and any owner information.
Microchips are basically sophisticated, permanent identity collars. An increasing number of responsible pet owners are choosing to have their pet's microchipped.
Most statistics reveal that more than 50% of microchipped dogs are returned to their owner, compared to varying figures of between 20-30% of non-microchipped dogs. It’s also good news for cat owners, as again substantially more microchipped felines are being returned to their families. The majority of cats do not wear collars and have no identification if lost. A microchip cannot be lost and is a method of permanent identication.
Does microchipping hurt?
In short, no. Microchipping your pet is a simple and quick procedure that doesn’t require any anesthesia. The microchip comes preloaded in a sterilized applicator that is injected into the loose part of skin between your pets’ shoulder blades.
The entire process usually takes less than two minutes and should hurt no more than a routine booster shot.
Are there any side effects to microchipping?
Just like when your pet has a booster shot, the injection site may be a little tender for a day or so and you should avoid stroking your pet there in case it causes them discomfort.
Occasionally there have been reports of microchips ‘migrating’ in the body. This is very rare, and they can be removed in a small procedure if it becomes a problem.
What we do know is that the known benefits of microchipping currently outweigh the possible risks.
How much does microchipping cost?
The average cost to have the chip implanted is between $50-$80. The cost is influenced by the chip manufacturer, who implants your microchip, and if temporary registration is included. It is important though, to be aware of the registration length for your chip. Some manufacturers require that information be updated on an annual basis, while others offer lifetime registrations. Be sure to update your contact information should you move or change phone numbers. Many pet associations and charities offer reduced price microchipping for responsible pet owners on a budget. Ask your veterinarian for more details.
If you are adopting from a shelter or purchasing a pup/kitten from a breeder then you will need to check and see if your new pet already has a microchip in place. If so you will need to make sure the chip is up to date with your personal information. If your pet isn’t already microchipped, then you should arrange for this to be done as soon as possible.
How often do I need to get my pet microchipped?
The microchip itself is made of biocompatible material that should not break down over time, meaning that it should last for the lifetime of your pet.
If you have any concerns or worries about the chip working correctly you can ask your veterinarian to scan and check it at your pet’s routine appointment.
Does this mean I can get rid of my pet’s collar or ID tags?
No, absolutely not. Microchipping should not be a replacement for collars and ID tags but merely a backup in case they get come off. After all, it will be far easier for a neighbor to call the number on the tag than take your pet to a veterinarian to have the chip scanned and read.
We hope that this answers any questions that you may have about microchipping, but if you need further advice do not hesitate to speak to your veterinarian.
Microchips are basically sophisticated, permanent identity collars. An increasing number of responsible pet owners are choosing to have their pet's microchipped.
Most statistics reveal that more than 50% of microchipped dogs are returned to their owner, compared to varying figures of between 20-30% of non-microchipped dogs. It’s also good news for cat owners, as again substantially more microchipped felines are being returned to their families. The majority of cats do not wear collars and have no identification if lost. A microchip cannot be lost and is a method of permanent identication.
Does microchipping hurt?
In short, no. Microchipping your pet is a simple and quick procedure that doesn’t require any anesthesia. The microchip comes preloaded in a sterilized applicator that is injected into the loose part of skin between your pets’ shoulder blades.
The entire process usually takes less than two minutes and should hurt no more than a routine booster shot.
Are there any side effects to microchipping?
Just like when your pet has a booster shot, the injection site may be a little tender for a day or so and you should avoid stroking your pet there in case it causes them discomfort.
Occasionally there have been reports of microchips ‘migrating’ in the body. This is very rare, and they can be removed in a small procedure if it becomes a problem.
What we do know is that the known benefits of microchipping currently outweigh the possible risks.
How much does microchipping cost?
The average cost to have the chip implanted is between $50-$80. The cost is influenced by the chip manufacturer, who implants your microchip, and if temporary registration is included. It is important though, to be aware of the registration length for your chip. Some manufacturers require that information be updated on an annual basis, while others offer lifetime registrations. Be sure to update your contact information should you move or change phone numbers. Many pet associations and charities offer reduced price microchipping for responsible pet owners on a budget. Ask your veterinarian for more details.
If you are adopting from a shelter or purchasing a pup/kitten from a breeder then you will need to check and see if your new pet already has a microchip in place. If so you will need to make sure the chip is up to date with your personal information. If your pet isn’t already microchipped, then you should arrange for this to be done as soon as possible.
How often do I need to get my pet microchipped?
The microchip itself is made of biocompatible material that should not break down over time, meaning that it should last for the lifetime of your pet.
If you have any concerns or worries about the chip working correctly you can ask your veterinarian to scan and check it at your pet’s routine appointment.
Does this mean I can get rid of my pet’s collar or ID tags?
No, absolutely not. Microchipping should not be a replacement for collars and ID tags but merely a backup in case they get come off. After all, it will be far easier for a neighbor to call the number on the tag than take your pet to a veterinarian to have the chip scanned and read.
We hope that this answers any questions that you may have about microchipping, but if you need further advice do not hesitate to speak to your veterinarian.